Number of flights in Irish airspace fell 1.2% in April

The number of flights operating in Irish airspace declined by 1.2 per cent in April compared with the same month in 2011.

The number of flights operating in Irish airspace declined by 1.2 per cent in April compared with the same month in 2011.

Figures from the Irish Aviation Authority show that the number of international flights in and out of the country’s three main airports fell last month.

Commercial terminal traffic for Shannon, Dublin and Cork airports fell 4.6 per cent last month compared with April 2011.

Commercial flights at Shannon saw the steepest decline, down 9.8 per cent on the year, with an average of 48 commercial daily movements at the airport.


Last week the Government announced plans to separate Shannon Airport from the Dublin Airport Authority.

Dublin Airport saw a 0.1 per cent drop in commercial flights in April, while commercial terminal flights at Cork were down 3.4 per cent.

Overall there was an average of 1,460 daily flights during April 2012. April 2nd was the busiest day that month, with 1,652 flights operating in Irish airspace.

Last month saw a 0.2 per cent increase in en-route traffic – that is, flights that do not land in Ireland.